Become a registered owner of an acre of land on the Moon!
The gift pack includes: The Lunar Deed, The Lunar Sight Map, The Lunar Constitution and Bill of Rights and an I Own the Moon coaster. Also included is a document confirming the purchaser’s Mineral Rights to their land and a postage paid land registration card to register the owner of this extraterrestrial moon land.
How this is possible?
American Dennis M. Hope, spotting a loophole in The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, filed a declaration of ownership for Earth's Moon on November 22, 1980. This declaration of ownership was initially filed at the San Francisco County offices and then filed with the U.S.A., U.S.S.R., and the General Assembly of the United Nations. A copy of this declaration is included with every property purchased. He has granted us the exclusive rights to sell extraterrestrial land in the United Kingdom.